Tip: Your kitchen will smell good and all the flies will disappear

white vinegar
Your kitchen will smell good and all the flies will disappear
Effective against bacteria, scale and stubborn stains, white vinegar is just as effective against bad odours. In a saucepan, boil a little white vinegar, the steam that will be released will capture all the bad odours in a few minutes and act as a repellent to scare away flies, simply because the smell of heated vinegar is strong and acts as an olfactory brake. about the invasion of these bugs.

lemon and cloves
Your kitchen will smell good and all the flies will disappear
Boil some lemon juice in water and add some cloves. You will see how persistent odors disappear…
You can also cut a lemon into slices and put them in a saucepan full of water. As soon as the water starts to boil, the lemon smell will spread in no time. At the same time, the smell of lemon and cloves will act as a repellent for flies and mosquitoes.

Your kitchen will smell good and all the flies will disappear
Bring to a boil ½ liter of water in which you have poured 3 tablespoons of fresh thyme. The odors will gradually dissipate.
Thyme is very effective against the smell of cheese. In addition, thyme is an effective aromatic herb for repelling flies and insects.

Your kitchen will smell good and all the flies will disappear
Dip a cinnamon stick into a small saucepan filled with water and put it on low heat. Cinnamon is great for getting rid of the fishy smell. Also, to keep flies away, you can use cinnamon essential oil as a repellent. Simply put 3 drops in a liter of water and spray around the windows and inside the house.

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