Throw some salt down the shower drain, why do so many people do it?

The areas where a deeper and constant cleaning must be carried out are the kitchen, where food remains must be removed, and in the bathroom, for example in the shower drain, due to the humidity inherent to this space in the house.
Cleaning products must include ammonia, because it helps to thoroughly clean and disinfect any space.

Damp spaces need to be dried, so it is advisable to remove all moisture from all places.

Using hot water and dish soap in the bathroom and kitchen, including sinks and drains, will help eliminate bacteria from the pipes and prevent eggs and feces from possible unwanted insects from accumulating there.
There is nothing more unpleasant than thinking about bacteria and insects in the kitchen sink.

Tips to Keep in Mind: Salt Down the Drain
Salt is a natural disinfectant and can help kill bacteria and also act as a deodorizer.

Before you use chemicals on your home’s pipes, you should think about the fact that your home’s pipes are connected to other homes in your building, which means that whatever you do with them will also affect others.

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