Green Onion Shao Bing (Baked Bread)

Next, dust the work surface with flour. Uncover the bowl and transfer the dough over. Roll it out into a large rectangle aiming for 3mm thickness. Mine came out to a 16″X10″ rectangle.
Spread ⅔ of the oil paste over and place the chopped onions in the middle of the dough. Gently press green onions to adhere (see video or pictures above).
Lift up the bottom layer and flip over to cover the green onions. Then, spread the remaining oil paste and green onions on top. Bring the top part over to cover and then pinch to seal all the openings. Flip it over so the seamed side is facing down.
Now, whisk together maple syrup and milk together until incorporated. Brush the dough with a layer of wash. Then, pack the top with sesame seeds.
Cut into 6 equal portions (I used a serrated knife).
Transfer to a baking tray, 1-inch apart.
Bake for 12 minutes until golden brown. (Fully baked bread will have a hollow sound when you tap on it. The inside should be fully cooked through as well). Serve hot as-is or cut it open and stuff with your favorite filling.

Highly recommend weighing the ingredients using a scale
You may line the baking pan with parchment paper so you can easily lift them up when ready.
If you can’t find raw white sesame seeds, you may use toasted but the bread will look darker once baked and may taste burnt if overcooked.
For a less sweet wash, use 1 tablespoon maple syrup and 2 tablespoons plant milk
1/2 teaspoon of salt is just right for this recipe, you may adjust it down or balance it with some sugar if preferred.



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