In 30 days you will have a beautiful lemon seedling: the peeled seed technique

The Magical World of Lemon: Benefits, Cultivation and Germination
πŸ‹ Discovering the Wonders of Lemon

Lemon, a seemingly common citrus fruit, is actually a treasure of benefits for health. It is a natural source of potassium and vitamin C, containing its anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antioxidant properties, particularly asymmetrical.

🌱 Growing Yellow Gold at Home

Many people prefer growing lemons in pots or gardens because of their utility and convenience. During the hot months, it is crucial to provide plenty of water and protection against strong winds and dry climates. Gardening experts can offer valuable advice on the optimal location for these plants.

🌿 Germination of Lemon Seeds: The Magic Process

For those interested in growing lemons from zero, the method of extracting the seed is fascinating. Simply cut a two-tab lemonade and squeeze the juice. Next, separate the juice seeds and carefully remove the outside skin of each seed with tweezers.

🌱 The Germination Secret

see continued on the next page



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