Easy chicken thighs with vegetables

Today we are going to prepare a super simple and tasty chicken thighs meal with lots of delicious vegetables like potatoes, carrots and more. This recipe is easy to follow and you’ll end up with a delicious dinner that everyone will love. We’ll mix some spices with tomato paste to make our chicken taste amazing and then bake everything together in the oven. Let’s get started with this fun and healthy meal!

Chicken thighs: 7 pieces
Tomato paste: 2 tablespoons
Olive oil: 3 tablespoons
Seasonings: Salt, Black Pepper, Curry, Thyme (adjust to taste)
Hot water: 200ml
Potatoes: 3, cut into wedges
Carrots: 4, sliced
​​Red onion: 1, chopped
Paprika (vegetable): 1, sliced
​​Garlic cloves: 5, chopped
Onion: 1, diced Zucchini
: 1, sliced ​​Eggplant
: 1, diced
Tomato Sauce: 100ml

Continued on the next page



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